Soft Hard 1: Folding Anouk Beckers’ Work

For this Soft Hard 1, Anouk developed a contri­bution on pages 1– 8, for you to cut the dashed lines printed in silver ink - - - - fold the paper, look at the compo­sitions that appear - - - - pleat - - - - find - - - - play.

아눅 베커스는 은색 잉크로 인쇄된 점선을 따라 잘라내고, 종이를 접으며, 구성된 모습을 관찰하고 주름을 잡아가는 놀이적 작업을 제안합니다.

Video ©Seoyoung Cho, 2025
Anouk Beckers experiments in modular thinking and design as a way to open up seemingly fixed structures. Most of her research-based works revolve around collectivity and results from collaborations with makers and thinkers from various fields. The work is ranging from workshops to publications and installations. Anouk initiated the open source modular clothing system JOIN Collective Clothes (2019) and a series of wearable fashion magazines Booklook (2022). In 2023–2024 Anouk participated in the residency program at Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht (NL). The work she devel­oped during this research period, disassembles compositions into individual parts and steps. In re-­shaping and shuffling various components, she explores how these elements, as well as structures, could be changed or reimagined. Openings in their design become invitations to interact with and engage collaboratively with the systems to which they belong.
Anouk studied Textiles and Fashion at Gerrit Rietveld Academie (NL) and Social Psychology at Utrecht University (NL).

아눅 베커스는 고정된 구조를 해체하고 재구성하는 모듈식 사고와 디자인을 실험하는 아티스트입니다. 그녀의 연구 기반 작업은 집합성과 다양한 제작자와의 협업에서 비롯되며, 워크숍, 출판물, 설치 작업 등으로 표현됩니다. 주요 작업으로는 오픈 소스 모듈 의류 시스템 JOIN Collective Clothes(2019)와 착용형 패션 매거진 시리즈 Booklook(2022)이 있습니다. 네덜란드 게릿 리트펠트 아카데미에서 섬유 및 패션을, 위트레흐트 대학교에서 사회심리학을 전공했고, 2023–2024년에는 네덜란드 얀반에이크 아카데미 레지던시 프로그램에 참여했습니다.