Credit: Immanuel Yang, Open Studios 2024, Photo by ©Jan van Eyck Academie. June 21, 2024
Soft Hard는 다국어 뉴스레터이자 출판물로, 문화예술 종사자들을 위한 실험적 플랫폼입니다. 디자이너, 건축가, 예술가, 큐레이터, 작가, 독립 출판인 등 다양한 문화적 배경을 지닌 전문가들이 참여합니다. Soft Hard는 느슨하고 비선형적인 구조를 통해 변화하는 관심사와 환경에 대응하고자 합니다.
Soft Hard is an experimental, multilingual publication that serves as both a newsletter and a creative playground for cultural workers. Each issue invites a wide range of professionals—designers, architects, artists, curators, writers, and independent publishers, among others—from diverse cultural backgrounds. The publication features a loose and non-linear structure, along with a quick turnaround time, in an effort to remain fresh and relevant to our constantly evolving interests and circumstances.
︎︎︎Soft Hard 1: In Conversation