Credit: Immanuel Yang, Open Studios 2024, Photo by ©Jan van Eyck Academie
Soft Hard is an experimental, multilingual publication that serves as both a newsletter and a creative playground for cultural workers. Each issue invites a wide range of professionals—designers, architects, independent publishers, writers, artists, curators, and more—from diverse cultural backgrounds.
The publication features a loose and non-linear structure, along with a quick turnaround time, in an effort to remain fresh and relevant to our constantly evolving interests and circumstances.
Soft Hard는 다국어 뉴스레터이자 출판물로, 문화 예술 종사자들을 위한 실험 공간입니다. 각호마다 디자이너, 건축가, 독립 출판인, 작가, 예술가, 큐레이터 등 다양한 문화적 배경을 지닌 전문가들이 함께합니다. Soft Hard는 유연하고 비선형적인 구조를 특징으로 하며, 빠른 제작 과정을 통해 변화하는 관심사와 환경에 대응하고자 합니다.
Issue 1: In Conversation
Issue 2: Side
Founded and published by Yuseon Park and Immanuel Yang of PLANE AND VERTICAL.